Сирос, Греция

Сирос, Греция

Дешевое жилье в Сирос

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Сирос Греция

Syros is in the Cyclades group of the Greek Islands, off the normal tourist track. Syros is the island where Greek tradition and western influence come to a harmonious marriage. Ermoúpoli (meaning “the city of Hermes”) is the island’s capital town and has been the first important trade and industrial center of the country in the 19th century. Evidence of this glorious past can be seen on public buildings (the City Hall, the Customs Office, “Apollo” theatre), on the neoclassical houses and at the beautiful squares. The great number of beautiful beaches will delight the sea and sand lovers: Vári, Foínikas, Yalissás and Kíni, as well as Possidonia or Dellagrazia, the beach of a village with many neoclassical mansions with colorful orchards.
Рекомендуемый аэропорт
Syros Airport (JSY)
Отдых поблизости
  • Миконос a 42,06 km
  • Андрос a 41,70 km
  • Tinos a 23,28 km
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