DIA 1 – SUMATRA ( Medan)
A su llegada al aeropuerto de Kualanamu en Medan, su guía estará esperándolo para comenzar la ruta. Según la hora de llegada, conduciremos aproximadamente 1,5 horas al centro de la ciudad de Medan, donde realizará un rápido recorrido visitando lugares emblemáticos. Nuestra primera parada será en el Palacio Maimun, una impresionante construcción de estilo Malayo y de Oriente Medio, construido en 1888 y perteneciente al sultán de Deli. Justo frente al palacio se encuentra la Mesjid Raya (Gran Mezquita Almashum), una hermosa mezquita construida en el mismo período que el Palacio Maimun. Continuaremos nuestro recorrido por la ciudad visitando uno de los templos chinos más bellos de Medan, el Vihara Gunung Timur, donde podrá admirar la arquitectura y la serenidad del lugar. Después de esta experiencia cultural, nos dirigiremos durante aproximadamente 4,5 horas hacia el norte, rumbo a Bukit Lawang, una pequeña aldea situada en el Parque Nacional Gunung Leuser, famosa por sus orangutanes. Este parque nacional es uno de los más grandes del mundo, con más de 800,000 hectáreas de jungla virgen. Durante el trayecto, atravesaremos vías rodeadas de plantaciones de aceite de palma y paisajes rurales, ofreciéndole una visión auténtica de la vida en el campo de Sumatra. Regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno en el hotel, a la hora indicada caminaremos durante unas 2 ó 3 horas dentro de la selva, donde, a medida que vamos en búsqueda de orangutanes salvajes, tendremos la posibilidad de ver diferentes clases de flora y fauna, como gibones, monos thomas leaf, monos de cola larga y macacos de cola de cerdo, ardillas voladoras, pavos reales de Sumatra y hornbills. Por el camino, su guía le irá explicando muchas cosas sobre la jungla. Nuestro paseo terminará en la orilla del río y regresaremos al hotel haciendo Tubing por el río Bahorok abajo durante unos 20 minutos. Por la tarde, traslado de 4 horas a su hotel dentro del aeropuerto de Medan para tomar el vuelo al día siguiente de forma más cómoda. Se recomienda traer: Calzado para caminatas ImpermeablesRepelente de insectos Bolsa hermética para la cartera, la cámara, etc.
Desayuno en el hotel. Regresaremos en coche durante unas 4,5h hacia el aeropuerto de Medan, para tomar vuelo hacia Jogyakarta, en la Isla de Java. A su llegada, traslado a su hotel en Jogyakarta. Alojamiento.
Desayuno en el hotel. A la hora indicada traslado a Prambanan, un conjunto de templos hindúes de los siglos VIII al X y perteneciente al Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco desde 1991. Regresaremos a la ciudad de Jogyakarta para visitar el Palacio del Sultán, el Castillo del Agua de Tamansari. Almorzaremos en un restaurante situado dentro del Complejo del Palacio del Sultán. Continuación de nuestra visita con el Templo de Borobudur, un templo budista y una de las mayores maravillas del sudeste asiático de hace 1.200 años. Visita de los Templos de Pawon y Mendut, templos hermanos de su cercano Borobudur. Traslado a su hotel. Alojamiento.*BOROBUDUR: Incluida no sólo la visita al Templo en sí, sino también la subida a la estupa de arriba (según disponibilidad). Si desea visitarla, puede que tengan que prescindir de la visita al Palacio y al Castillo (por falta de tiempo).
Desayuno en el hotel. A la hora indicada saldremos en tren desde Yogyakarta, con llegada a Mojokerto. A la llegada, almuerzo en restaurante local y traslado a su hotel.
A la 01:00am recorreremos desde Malang hasta las faldas del volcán Bromo. Desde allí, un 4x4 nos llevará a la cima del Monte Penanjakan para disfrutar del asombroso amanecer del sol, llena de miles de colores, en un paisaje lunar sorprendente. Después nos montaremos en unos caballos que nos llevarán a la cima del Volcán Bromo, aún activo. Podremos oler el azufre y ver el paisaje desde su cima. Desayuno en la ruta hacia el aeropuerto de Surabaya para su vuelo a Bali. A su llegada al aeropuerto, su chófer los estará esperando para trasladarlos a su hotel en Ubud. Este día le recomendamos ropa y calzado apropiado para las frías temperaturas mientras espera el amanecer. A su llegada al Penanjakan para ver el amanecer, puede alquilar un abrigo. Así se ayudara usted a sí mismo, y también a la población local.
Desayuno en el hotel. Comenzaremos nuestro día de ruta visitando el famoso Templo de Gunung Kawi, con grabados milenarios en sus rocas. Continuaremos hacia el Templo de Manantiales Sagrados de Tirta Empul, donde acuden los balineses a darse un baño y aliviar, así, los malos sueños que hayan podido tener la noche anterior. Proseguiremos con nuestra visita al Templo de Besakih, conocido también como “Templo Madre”, ya que este situado en la ladera del volcán Agung, la montaña más alta y sagrada de Bali, y de la que los balineses piensan que salieron los Dioses. Continuaremos nuestra visita hacia Kerta Gosa, o Palacio de Justicia de Klungkung, en el que encontraremos representaciones en frescos de la vida de un balinés, así como fragmentos de etapas de sus Dioses. Terminaremos con una relajante visita a las poblaciones de Celuk y Mas, donde podremos asombrarnos de la gran paciencia con la que los artesanos aún conservan su tradición de trabajo sobre plata y madera, respectivamente. Regreso a su hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno en el hotel. A la hora indicada saldremos para realizar el tour por la ruta “Paisajes de Bali”. Este día respirarán aire limpio y se reirán con sus simpáticos amigos peludos y con cola larga en el Bosque de los Monos de Sangeh. A continuación, sentirán un profundo sentimiento de belleza en los Campos de Arroz de Tegalalang y, posteriormente, prepárense para un refrescante baño en la preciosa y natural Cascada Tegenungan. Por último, regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
DIA 09 – UBUD (D)
Desayuno en el hotel. Día libre a disposición de los pasajeros para realizar actividades personales u opcionales. Posibilidad de aprovechar su estancia OPCIONAL descubriendo el denso bosque tropical de Bali desde el río (Rafting en el Río Ayung; desde la edad de 5 años), visitando Templos históricos (Besakih, Tanah Lot, Ulun Danu..), haciendo crucero en catamarán y snorkel a la isla paradisíaca de Lembongan, relajándose con un Masaje Balinés, o descubriendo los animales de Indonesia en el Zoo de Bali. Alojamiento
DIA 10 – UBUD -REGRESO (D)Desayuno en el hotel. A la hora convenida un conductor privado le trasladará al aeropuerto de Denpasar para tomar su vuelo de retorno.
Tarjeta de asistencia médica durante todo el recorrido (cubrimiento de USD 60.000 por accidente o enfermedad no preexistente) por evento, aplica suplemento del 50 % para mayores de 76 a 85 años, esta tarjeta tiene seguro de cancelación incluido hasta 2000 USD.
Noches en los hoteles mencionados o similares
Comidas mencionadas en el programa
Transportes en vehículos privados
Traslados mencionados entre aeropuertos y hoteles, y viceversa
En caso de chófer privado en Bali, su tarea será conducir a los Señores a los sitios que deseen, en inglés.
Opcional, guía en su idioma Rp300.000/pax/día (en total por 2-4pax) (Rp330.000/pax/día 01Jul-30Sep, 20Dec-10Jan). Si se incluye el guía en su idioma se menciona “Con Guía en su idioma” ese día.
Tours en Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Java, guía local en su idioma (bajo disponibilidad).
Vuelo a Jogyakarta con equipaje de 20 kg por pasajero
Vuelo a Bali con equipaje de 20 kg por pasajero
Tren Jogyakarta a Mojokerto
Seguro local de Viaje (de Responsabilidad Civil) por cada uno de nuestros Viajeros
Bonito SOUVENIR de Indonesia para su recuerdo de este precioso viaje
(sólo para paquetes combinados de viaje que acaben en Bali)
Visa de Indonesia a la entrada USD 30 aproximados (colombianos)
Tiquete Internacional e impuestos de tiquetes según itinerarios.
Actividades o conceptos no contemplados como servicios incluidos del viaje, tales como, almuerzos, cenas, souvenirs, llamadas locales y de larga distancia, guías de turismo, pólizas de seguros, excesos de equipaje y boletas para la participación en cruceros, eventos deportivos o culturales.
Bebidas alcohólicas o propinas a los guías
SUMATRA - Eco Lodge o Rindu Alam Hotel 2*
MEDAN - Horison Sky Kualanamu Medan (Deluxe)
JOGYAKARTA - Plataran Heritage (Deluxe) | Upgrade a Plataran Borobudur en Villa Garden con piscina
MOJOKERTO - Santika Premiere Malang (Deluxe Room)
UBUD - Santi Mandala Villas (Villa Luxury piscina)/ Beehouse Dijiwa Ubud (Duplex Suite)/ The Kayon Resort (Valley Deluxe Room)/ Dwaraka (Villa piscina con vistas al jardín)
Después de expedidos y pagados los tiquetes domésticos aéreos no podrán ser reembolsados, ni endosados, ni se podrá hacer cambio de fecha.
La tasa de aeropuerto y el recargo por combustible se calcularán nuevamente antes de emitir los tiquetes de vuelos internos.
Pasaporte en perfecto estado por lo menos 6 meses de vigencia con respecto a la fecha de ingreso a los Países que visita y tener un mínimo cinco hojas en blanco.
Las tarifas están sujetas a modificaciones sin previo aviso y a disponibilidad en el momento de realizar la reserva.
Privacy Policy
Privacy policy
1. Personal data information
In accordance with current regulations on data protection
conformed by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection (GDPR) and
Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of
digital rights (LOPDGDD), we inform you of some questions about the treatment
of your personal information by FLYANDBED.
1.1.-Who is responsible for your data treatment?
Corporate name: FLYANDBED.COM
Contact: info@flyandbed.com
1.2.- What is the purpose of collecting and processing your data?
Provision of services: We collect your data to be able to
manage your request about the services we offer that may include flights,
accommodation, transportation, activities and transfers.
Commercial communications: Whenever you give us your
consent, we will process your contact information to send you information about
our services and products, as well as offers and information that we think may
be of interest to you.
1.3.- How long do we keep your data?
Provision of services: As a general rule, your data will be
kept until the end for which they were collected is achieved. In addition, for
reasons of current tax legislation, we will store your data for a period of
five years, after which we will destroy it if there is no request for
Commercial communications: In order to keep you informed of
our products and services, the data processing for commercial purposes will
remain until you exercise your right of opposition or deletion.
1.4.- Are automated decisions made about your data?
Yes, automated decisions about your personal data are
1.5.-What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The consent will be the basis of legitimation in those
treatments in which they have been required and you have granted it to us, for
example, the sending of commercial communications.
In the event that you have contracted certain services with
us, the legal basis of the processing of your data is the contractual
relationship that binds us and whose treatment is essential for the execution
of the services.
In addition, different regulations in force such as the tax
law establish that FLYANDBED must perform certain treatments. In these cases,
the legitimacy of the processing of your data will be based on an applicable
legal obligation.
1.6.- Who do we communicate your data to?
There are third parties that manage part of our services. FLYANDBED
requires them to comply with this Privacy Policy and current regulations on
data protection, as applicable. We also inform you that these companies have
their own privacy policy in which FLYANDBED will not be responsible for
compliance with it.
Under some circumstances, FLYANDBED may share, use, preserve
or disclose Personal Information with third parties, in a non-aggregated manner
to provide our services to:
1. Suppliers:
Such as hotel, airline or activity rental providers, which satisfy your travel
reservation request. In FLYANDBED, all services provided by a third party
provider are described as such. We recommend that you examine the privacy
policies of any third party that provides travel services from whom you
purchase products through FLYANDBED. Please note that these providers may also
contact you as necessary to obtain additional information.
2. Service
providers that provide services or perform functions on our behalf: Credit card
processing, business analytics, customer service or marketing. Service
providers may collect and access the information necessary to perform their
functions, but they are not allowed to share or use the information for any
other purpose.
3. Competent
authorities: In some cases, we must cooperate with the competent authorities.
3.1. If we believe that it is reasonably necessary to satisfy any law or legal process anywhere in
the world and we believe that doing so may diminish our responsibility or allow
us to defend our legal rights. In any case, we will only provide the required
3.2. If we believe that this action is appropriate to enforce the terms and conditions of FLYANDBED, including any investigation of possible violations of them.
3.3. If necessary to detect, prevent, or in any way address and prosecute fraud, security or technical issues related to FLYANDBED.
3.4. If that action is adequate to protect the rights, property or security of FLYANDBED, its employees and users.
3.5. If we believe it is reasonably necessary to satisfy any law or on its own initiative or at the request of third parties that demonstrate a legitimate interest.
3.6. Likewise, if FLYANDBED participates in a merger, acquisition or other transaction that involves the sale of all or some of its assets or securities with voting rights, the User’s information, including Personal Information obtained through the Service, may be included in the transferred assets or securities. If this occurs, the User’s Personal Information will continue to be the subject of this Privacy Policy.
1.7 Who do we communicate your data to?
On the occasion of the execution of the contracted services, we will transfer your data to the companies that request this, such as hotels, car rental companies, airlines, etc. You should keep in mind that such assignments are essential to facilitate the contracted services.
The data communicated to the suppliers will consist of your name, surname, identity document (ID or passport), age, date of birth and nationality, as well as the possible observations that you have noted in your reservation.
1.8 Are international transfers made?
Many of the service providers of the services you request are located in countries outside the European Union. The General Data Protection Regulation regulates such international transfers and, therefore, we can only transfer the data to countries that guarantee adequate measures for your data.
1.9.- What are your rights by providing us with your information?
You should know that, by treating your personal data, you have some rights that we detail bellow:
· Right of access: You can request access to all your personal data that we process.
· Right of rectification: You will have the right to rectify your data, either because they are inaccurate or because they have changed.
· Right of deletion: You can also request the deletion of your data as long as any of the causes of art. 17.3 GDPR
· Right to object: You will have the right to request that your personal data not be processed for certain purposes.
· Right to the limitation of the treatment: You can also request the limitation of the processing of your data in the following cases:
o During the challenge study because of the inaccuracy of your data.
o If the treatment is illegal, you object to the deletion of the data.
o When we do not need to process your data, but you need them for the exercise or defense against possible claims.
o If you have opposed the processing of the data claiming public or legitimate interest, while we are analyzing whether our reasons for the treatment prevail over your interests
· Right to
portability: You will have the right to have your personal data delivered electronically, so that it is manageable by you.
· Right not to
be subject to automated individual decisions: Finally, you will have the right to not be subject to a decision based on the automated processing of your personal data and may have legal effects on you.
When the basis of legitimation for the processing of the data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.
To exercise these rights, you can send your request to the postal or electronic address that you will find at the beginning of this Privacy Policy with the right you exercise and providing a copy of your identification document (ID / NIE) or your Passport.
1.10.- Is your data safe?
At FLYANDBED we collect, process and store your data by applying information security policies and regulations. These security measures apply to both information in electronic and paper format, and guarantee the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data. If there is an event or incident that compromises your data, we will notify you as soon as possible.
1.11.- Other questions
FLYANDBED in some cases conditions the use of the Service to the previous completion of the corresponding User registration, and must indicate at least the information marked with a yellow dot on certain personal
We remind you that to carry out a correct provision of the service you must provide us with the exact and truthful data, reserving the right of exclusion of the services to the interested parties who have provided false information and without prejudice to the legal actions that the Responsible can initiate.
When you make a reservation for another person through FLYANDBED, we will request personal information and travel preferences from that person. You must obtain the consent of these other persons before providing us with your
personal information and travel preferences.
2.-Use of the web
In this case, the Service collects, in addition to the IP address from which it is accessed, the following User information:
· If the
Service has been reached by clicking on a link from another website.
· Storage of
cookies on the hard disk of the User’s computer, with the prior consent of the User. See our Cookies Policy for more information.
· Specific data
on the User’s device (for example, the type of model, the version of the operating system, errors that occur when using the Service, the type of browser, the language, the date and time of the request, the URL of reference
or the mobile network used, among others).
· Data on the
physical location of the User through different technologies, such as through GPS signals sent by a mobile device, information on Wi-Fi access points or nearest mobile phone antennas, among others. Always according to the privacy
settings on your device.
· In addition, FLYANDBED
uses Google Analytics, an analytical service provided by Google, Inc. based in the United States with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. For the provision of these services, they use cookies
that collect the information, including the user’s IP address, which will be transmitted, processed and stored by Google in the terms set on the website www.google.com. Including the possible transmission of said information to
third parties for reasons of legal requirement or when said third parties process the information on behalf of Google.
3.- Changes to the Privacy Policy
We remind you that our Privacy Policy may be updated in the future. We will inform you about substantial changes to this Privacy Policy by sending a notice to the email address you provided and placing a notice in a prominent place on our website.